Monday, November 18, 2013

only time will tell

I wouldn’t consider myself a great writer, probably not even a good writer. But it’s something I like to do. Now it’s just a matter of finding the time, energy, and creativity to devote to this enjoyable task.

Life currently consists of an incredible husband, home, family, friends, church, day job, and then the job I’m really passionate about, our new city business venture, the Rochesteriat.

I happened to marry a man who is passionate about where he lives, is involved, and wants to make a difference in his city. Let me tell you… it’s contagious. My passions, dreams, and desires have changed in the two and a half years I’ve know him, for the better. He challenges me to become the best version of me and not to continue doing something just because I’ve done it for so long. He encourages me to pursue my dreams, he believes in me. He thinks I’m a good writer.

We live in a city that is in revival. It was a GREAT city and some of us still think it is. Home to George Eastman & Kodak, Frederick Douglas, Susan B. Anthony, Bausch & Lomb, Xerox, Sibley’s and so many more people and companies who shaped our nation. It was a hub of innovation & creativity. But a bustling city center began moving out to the surrounding areas and eventually what was left in the city… wasn’t very inviting. But it’s growing, being redefined and redeveloped and we want to be a part of it.

There are constant conversations about all that we’d like to do and be involved with. And wondering what we can remove so we can add other things. Do we sacrifice in one area to be able to take risks to see gain in other areas?

Only time will tell.

Friday, August 30, 2013

a plea to those who HAVE

We live in a culture run by a clock and deadlines. I watch countless people weave in and out of traffic during rush hour and those who just barely make it through that yellow-turning-red light. They can't wait the 1-2 minutes it would take for that light to change back to green. They have somewhere to be and they're running late.

We give ourselves just enough time.

I'm guilty of this. I know when I have to get out of bed in the morning to have enough time to get to work. I don't like living this way but I do. But, I want to change.

Maybe if we weren't so rushed we'd notice the sunrise and the sunset. We'd see the beauty that is all around us. We'd invest in relationships instead of things that don't last.

As I drove home from work, I listened to one of the hosts on K-LOVE talk about his recent trip with World Vision and how he was having a difficult time readjusting after all he saw. He was heart broken when he thought of his dog, sitting on his lap in his home. His dog had shelter, food, clean water. When his dog was sick it got medical attention. And he now knew it cost more to take care of his dog than it did to support a child through World Vision.

Now this is not a campaign for World Vision, though I'm proud to support a young girl named Hannah in Malawi.

This is a reminder that we have. We have what we need. We have the ability to enjoy the world around us when we're not cutting it close, running late to work, and running a red late to make it.

And as the Lord would have it (after this post was already written), I ended dinner with my Mom tonight by opening a fortune cookie and reading what was inside:

Time flies.
Suns rise and shadows fall.
Let time go by.
Love is forever over all.

May my heart always remember that all I have is of the Lord and to cherish the time He gives. And may my lips remember the words of Jacob "Please, take my blessing that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough.” Genesis 33:11

Monday, August 26, 2013

when great adventures come

The past 2 years of my life have been anything but "ordinary". A lot more like extraordinary! I met a man, we began dating, fell in love, got engaged, planned a wedding in under 4 months, got married and then started a business. We don't mess around!

We're the best of friends!

But over and over... and over and over, everything has been led by the Lord and I am ever grateful. Thankful that God brought this man into my life, who speaks life into me with his words and actions, who's constant encouragement and support has allowed me to become an entrepreneur.... not something I ever imagined. He makes me dream big.

He's allowed me to share in and become a part of his dreams to start a business. To start something that could change the perspective of a city that was once alive and thriving. To be a part of a great adventure. He's definitely pulled me out of my shell!

All this to say, I love this man, where God has brought us, and what He is continually doing for us and in our lives... (and now the shameless plug.... go check out the Rochesteriat!)

Psalm 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

my city life

Life has been anything but calm since marriage and I love it!

I married a man who is very passionate about the city in which we live. He's involved, he's invested, and he gives a lot of his heart and his time for what he loves. And the more I'm with him, the more excited I am about what he's doing, about what we're doing together, about being invested in where you live, and working for change.

We've been involved in a lot of things here in our city.

From serving breakfast with our church group at Open Door Mission:

To cleaning up an area of our city with our Neighborhood Association:

And just yesterday we participated in ROC Transit Day (to help promote events going on in our city):
In other news, last weekend we ran around NYC like crazy people racking up almost 21 miles on foot!

And of course there are always times with family:

And days where we just walk the city and enjoy where God has us:

So there you have it, my current city life instagrammed. There will be more to come, more to tell, and more adventures to take part of. Our life is blessed, and rich, and I am ever thankful.

Friday, April 19, 2013

a letter to the blogging world

Dear Blogging World,

I know I've been distant, but I think about you often. I want to tell you about how busy I've been and all the exciting things going on in my life but I haven't found the time! Even now I'm rushed as I write...

Work has been really busy... the days and weeks are flying by. After work hours are just as busy! The husband and I fill our time together adventuring in our city, coming up with grand ideas, cooking delicious meals and sometimes just being cozy on the couch. And while he's working I fill my time with laundry, cleaning, enjoying our home and seeing friends & family.

My hair is short, barely touching my neck and when I try to tuck it behind my ears it just falls out. But I am getting used to it and I really love it!

There's so much much more to tell, but this is all I have for now. I'm hoping in the weeks to come I'll have more to share. But for now I will leave you with this lovely picture of the city in which I live and love:


Friday, March 8, 2013

not where I belong

the struggles of a satisfied yet unsatisfied corporate employee...

For 5 1/2 years I've held the same job. some days I hate it. some days I like it. After all, I have great coworkers, I just don't often have enough work to keep me busy. That makes for LONG days. I like to be challenged, I like to learn, I want to grow.

This week I saw a job posting for something that would be a big move up. I thought maybe it was for me, I spoke with my boss and told her I was going to apply. But you see, the application, resume, portfolio and references were due in less than 2 days. After a day of fighting within myself, saying... I can do this, I don't want to do this, I would be busier than where I am now... but what if I hated the job... and so on and so forth. 2 nights of restless sleep. 2 days of prayer... of screaming "oh God, what is Your will?"

Now, I know applying for a position does not equate to ACCEPTING the position. I get that. But my heart felt more and more it wasn't for me. So I came into work today with a new attitude... maybe it's the glorious sun shinning, but maybe it's the peace and joy of being in God's will.

And I know in my heart once again, that this world is not my home.

I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
There is no want to those who fear Him.
The young lions lack and suffer hunger;
But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.
Psalm 34:1-3, 8-10

Thursday, February 14, 2013

LOVE :: from the archives

These past 4 months of being married to my best friend have been incredible.

Each day has been a gift. There's so much I could write here... even about how my understanding of God's love for me has grown by seeing my husbands love for me.

But today I'm going to the past, pulling a post from the archives... here you go:

Thoughts on LOVE
February 14th, 2010

Love. Romance, butterflies, perfect dates, great conversation, etc. All the things I thought love was growing up, watching fairy tales and dreaming of being "in love"... I didn't know what love really was or was intended to be.

God commands us to love. And since you can't command feelings (anger, sadness, happiness, etc) what is love then? If you command someone who's sad to be happy, does that make them feel happy? No. So we're commanded to love. Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength (Luke 10:27). Love your neighbor... and even to love your enemies. I don't know about you, but I can't muster up feelings of love toward certain people. But we're told to love them nonetheless.

So here's what I'm seeing and learning: if God calls us to love, then our love toward others should come from a heart of wanting to please God. Love isn't getting, it's giving.

After all, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (John 3:16). Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:25).  He gave His life for sinners (Galatians 1:4).

I want my actions and words to be rooted in love, a love toward others, and especially a love toward God.

Happy Love Day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

no longer "me"

I'm no longer an I or a me but now it's always an us or a we!
It all happened so wonderfully, so quickly.
July 2011 we met
August/September 2011 we started dating
June 2012 we were engaged
October 2012 we were married
And now I no longer refer to myself as a singular individual.
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a scent that soothes my soul

I have a favorite body lotion that was "discontinued" and then brought it back for a limited time.

Well, after having been out of this for quite some time I had to stock up. For the last few days every time I put it on my hands I breathed in and felt comfort. I know I know, sounds a bit strange... but thats what happens.

A few nights ago, I put the lotion on my hands and then sat down with my hubby to read the Word. That's when it hit me. There was a point in my life when every night I would use that lotion on my dry hands and sit down to let God's word fill my dry soul. And now... that scent alone is a comfort. it uplifts. it gives me joy.

It makes me wonder about the things that please God and bring Him joy...
  - our worship
  - obedience
  - trust
  - prayer
  - when we study His words
  - reaching the lost, the poor and widows...

But I know a life of perfection is impossible, only Christ lived that life. I also know that I cannot complete a certain number of "works" to please God. So I have faith (Hebrews 11:6) and be grateful that Jesus lived that perfect life and died for my sins (for the sins of everyone) so that I [we] could come before God as righteous.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21

Thursday, January 10, 2013

rivers of water

I feel like I've been on a sabbatical from writing.... is that the right word? maybe, maybe not. I guess it wasn't completely intentional. I've just been busy living life! Also, if I don't know what to write about... I just don't write! (suggestions for topics are welcome!).
December was busy. Birthdays (grandmother, 2 nieces, mine.....), Christmas festivities, shopping, enjoying family in from out of town, and many other things. Did I mention I caught that nasty virus that is going around two weeks ago? I'm still recovering, but definitely a lot better than I was!
The holidays are done. And I'm ok with that. After getting married in October, moving in with my hubby, going on a honeymoon, getting used to life together, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years..... I'm looking forward to "normal" everyday life. establishing routines. digging into the Word. and learning and growing with my husband.
But I also know life isn't necessarily going to slow down at all.... So we pray for God's guidance in ALL we do. The paths we walk, decisions we make, and the work we invest ourselves into. May we be like trees planted by rivers of water...
Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
    Nor stands in the path of sinners,
    Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
    Planted by the rivers of water,
    That brings forth its fruit in its season,
    Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Psalm 1