Tuesday, May 6, 2014

to clear my head, I write

I used to write a lot. Almost daily. Putting thoughts to paper always had a way of helping me figure out what I was really thinking.

And so I opened up my journal tonight and quickly realized through my writing my lack of trust and faith in God.. and my noticeable faith in myself.

I want, I need, I, me….. There was no God will work this out in my writing. It’s deep in my heart, I know my trust of Him is there. But sometimes I get so caught up on what we’re doing and accomplishing, whether it’s at work, or growing our business, that I just keep that mentality going... “I can do this”.

And then I find myself frustrated and lacking sleep. Too many nights spent laying in bed with all of these plans running through my head. This timeline that I’ve worked out for the future and trying to work through how it’s going to happen in real life.

And yet this has always been the verse I can quote without looking:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord. I guess it’s pretty simple after all.

Tomorrow is a new day.