"After work comes dinner... and after dinner comes work. For the last year, life has been a wonderful cycle of testing limits and chasing dreams. There have been long days, tiring days and wonderful, exciting days.
But seasons come and go, they change. Thankfully. After the Summer comes Fall and then Winter... which eventually gives way to Spring. It always does.
And so comes a new season for me, for us. Many years of working in the same position, pushing through and chugging a long... comes a leap of faith, excitement, and trust in our God. A few months ago I had a thought and I shared it with my wonderful, supportive husband, "I know what I want for my birthday!", I exclaimed. He asked, "oh yeah? What's that?". "I'm going to quit my job", I said."
We prayed and talked... and prayed and talked that summer about leaving a stable job with a company I'd been at for 12 years. And then, God provided a great opportunity for a part-time job so I left that full-time job. And then... 2 years later we started praying about me leaving that part-time job... and it happened.
At the end of this February I became a full time entrepreneur and I've never been busier or happier with the decision.
Now, I guess I have a few years of posts to catch up on.
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