Monday, November 18, 2013

only time will tell

I wouldn’t consider myself a great writer, probably not even a good writer. But it’s something I like to do. Now it’s just a matter of finding the time, energy, and creativity to devote to this enjoyable task.

Life currently consists of an incredible husband, home, family, friends, church, day job, and then the job I’m really passionate about, our new city business venture, the Rochesteriat.

I happened to marry a man who is passionate about where he lives, is involved, and wants to make a difference in his city. Let me tell you… it’s contagious. My passions, dreams, and desires have changed in the two and a half years I’ve know him, for the better. He challenges me to become the best version of me and not to continue doing something just because I’ve done it for so long. He encourages me to pursue my dreams, he believes in me. He thinks I’m a good writer.

We live in a city that is in revival. It was a GREAT city and some of us still think it is. Home to George Eastman & Kodak, Frederick Douglas, Susan B. Anthony, Bausch & Lomb, Xerox, Sibley’s and so many more people and companies who shaped our nation. It was a hub of innovation & creativity. But a bustling city center began moving out to the surrounding areas and eventually what was left in the city… wasn’t very inviting. But it’s growing, being redefined and redeveloped and we want to be a part of it.

There are constant conversations about all that we’d like to do and be involved with. And wondering what we can remove so we can add other things. Do we sacrifice in one area to be able to take risks to see gain in other areas?

Only time will tell.