Saturday, June 22, 2013

my city life

Life has been anything but calm since marriage and I love it!

I married a man who is very passionate about the city in which we live. He's involved, he's invested, and he gives a lot of his heart and his time for what he loves. And the more I'm with him, the more excited I am about what he's doing, about what we're doing together, about being invested in where you live, and working for change.

We've been involved in a lot of things here in our city.

From serving breakfast with our church group at Open Door Mission:

To cleaning up an area of our city with our Neighborhood Association:

And just yesterday we participated in ROC Transit Day (to help promote events going on in our city):
In other news, last weekend we ran around NYC like crazy people racking up almost 21 miles on foot!

And of course there are always times with family:

And days where we just walk the city and enjoy where God has us:

So there you have it, my current city life instagrammed. There will be more to come, more to tell, and more adventures to take part of. Our life is blessed, and rich, and I am ever thankful.